HTTP Client
- class meross_iot.http_api.MerossHttpClient(cloud_credentials: MerossCloudCreds, http_proxy: str | None = None, ua_header: str = 'MerossIOT/0.0.0', app_type: str = 'MerossIOT', app_version: str = '0.0.0', log_identifier: str = '3588eaa35ad2105c93179d38e75e5dd14fefab-4129-4ebd-8a12-f99411c2c276')
Utility class for dealing with Meross HTTP API. This class simplifies the usage of the Meross HTTP API providing login, logout and device listing API.
- async classmethod async_from_cloud_creds(creds: MerossCloudCreds, http_proxy: str | None = None, ua_header: str = 'MerossIOT/0.0.0', app_type: str = 'MerossIOT', app_version: str = '0.0.0', log_identifier: str = '3588eaa35ad2105c93179d38e75e5dd14fefab-4129-4ebd-8a12-f99411c2c276', *args, **kwargs) MerossHttpClient
Build a MerossIot API client using the provided cloud-credentials object. :param creds: CloudCredentials object to build the client from :param http_proxy: HTTP proxy to use. When none, no proxy will be used. Defaults to None. :param ua_header: User agent headers to send alongside the various requests. The default value is auto-generated by the library. :param app_type: String used to discriminate the app type. The default value is auto-generated by the library. :param app_version: String used to discriminate the app version. The default value is auto-generated by the library. :param log_identifier: String used to log the app client usage. The default value is auto-generated by the library. :return:
- async classmethod async_from_user_password(api_base_url: str, email: str, password: str, http_proxy: str = None, ua_header: str = 'MerossIOT/0.0.0', app_type: str = 'MerossIOT', app_version: str = '0.0.0', log_identifier: str = '3588eaa35ad2105c93179d38e75e5dd14fefab-4129-4ebd-8a12-f99411c2c276', auto_retry_on_bad_domain: bool = True, mfa_code: string = None, *args, **kwargs) MerossHttpClient
Builds a MerossHttpClient using username/password combination. In any case, the login will generate a token, which might expire at any time.
- Parameters:
api_base_url – Https base endpoint to use for API calls. It should be one of “”, “” or “”, based on your public IP region.,
email – Meross account email
password – Meross account password
http_proxy – Optional http proxy to use when issuing the requests
app_type – App Type header parameter to use
app_version – App Version header parameter to use
log_identifier – Log identifier to use
auto_retry_on_bad_domain – when set, it enables auto-retry when BadDomain exception occurs.
mfa_code – multi-factor authentication code (optional)
- Returns:
an instance of MerossHttpClient
- async async_invalidate_credentials(creds: MerossCloudCreds)
Class method used to invalidate credentials without logging in with a full MerossHttpClient.
- Parameters:
creds – MerossCloudCredentials as returned by async_login() or async_from_user_password()
- Returns:
API response data
- async async_list_devices(*args, **kwargs) List[HttpDeviceInfo]
Asks to the HTTP api to list the Meross device belonging to the given user account.
- Returns:
a list of HttpDeviceInfo
- async async_list_hub_subdevices(hub_id: str, *args, **kwargs) List[HttpSubdeviceInfo]
Returns the sub-devices associated to the given hub.
- Parameters:
hub_id – Meross native UUID of the HUB
- Returns:
a list of HttpSubdeviceInfo
- async classmethod async_login(api_base_url: str, email: str, password: str, creds_env_var_name: str = '__MEROSS_CREDS', http_proxy: str | None = None, ua_header: str = 'MerossIOT/0.0.0', app_type: str = 'MerossIOT', app_version: str = '0.0.0', log_identifier: str = '3588eaa35ad2105c93179d38e75e5dd14fefab-4129-4ebd-8a12-f99411c2c276', country_code: str = 'us', agree_to_terms: int = 0, mfa_code: str | None = None, stats_counter: HttpStatsCounter | None = None, auto_retry_on_bad_domain: bool = True, *args, **kwargs) MerossCloudCreds
Performs the login against the Meross HTTP endpoint. This api returns a MerossCloudCreds object, which contains the API endpoint, the mqtt endpoint and the authorization token to use the various API/MQTT services. Be cautious when invoking this API: asking for too many tokens as the Meross HTTP API might refuse to issue more tokens. Instead, you should keep using the same issued token when possible, possibly storing it across sessions. When you are done using a specific token, be sure to invoke logout to invalidate it.
- Parameters:
api_base_url – Meross API base url.
email – Meross account email
password – Meross account password
creds_env_var_name – If set, indicate which env variables stores such credentials
http_proxy – Optional http proxy to use when to performing the request
ua_header – User Agent header to use when issuing the HTTP request
stats_counter – Stats counter object
app_type – App Type header parameter to use
app_version – App Version header parameter to use
country_code – (experimental) The country code you are connecting from
agree_to_terms – (optional) if 1 means we agree, if 0 or omitted, means we do not agree to terms
mfa_code – (optional) MFA code
auto_retry_on_bad_domain – when set, tells the library to retry the login when BadDomain occurs, osing the right domain value returned by the initial operation.
- Returns:
a MerossCloudCreds object
- async async_logout(*args, **kwargs)
Invalidates the credentials stored in this object.
- Returns:
API response data
- property cloud_credentials: MerossCloudCreds
Returns the meross credentials returned by the the HTTP Api :return: