Basic Concepts

This library implements an asynchronous HTTP api client against hte Elmax HTTP web endpoint. The core functionality of the library is implemented within the elmax_api.http.Elmax class.


You need to be familiar with asyncio and python asynchronous programming pattern. This library is not designed to work as blocking threaded model.

The HTTP Client

To get started, simply instantiate an instance of Elmax client:

# Instantiate the Elmax API client
client = Elmax(username=MY_USERNAME, password=MY_PASSWORD)


This operation won’t attempt any login/connection to the remote cloud, but simply construct the client object.

Once created, you can start fetching data from the Elmax Cloud or issuing commands to it. Have a look at the Quick Start section to get your hands dirty right away.

Authentication and login

The Elmax client handles login and authentication autonomously. Whenever needed, the client will call the login endpoint and authenticates with username/password provided to the constructor. If the login succeeds, the obtained JWT token is stored into memory for later use. Thus, everytime the client needs to invoke authenticated APIs, it reuses the cached JTW token. If, for any reason, the JWT gets refused (as per expiration or invalidation), the library will try again to renews it using the stored user credentials.

In case the developers wants to check the validity of user-provided credentials, he can explicitly invoke the login() method, which raises a ElmaxBadLoginError in case of bad credentials.

Elmax Model

This library deals with the following entities.

  • Panel

    Represents an Elmax Control Panel. A Panel is the computational entity which activates actuators and reads zones status. A given user, may have multiple panels associated, although this usually means he owns multiple houses/facilities.

  • Actuator (switch)

    Is a device that can be activated. It usually has two possible states: on/off. The current version of this library handles two main actuator classes: switches (on/off) and covers (up/down).

  • Zone (sensor)

    A zone is nothing more than a sensor (volumetric, magnetic, etc). Usually a zone represents a specific door/window of the house perimeter. As such, a zone can be open or closed.

  • Area

    An area is a logical grouping of zones. For instance we can have the kitchen area or the living area.

  • Scene

    Scenes are automations that accomplish some objective. Common scenes might be “I’m home” (disable alarms open windows) or “I’m leaving” (closes the doors/windows) and activates away mode alarm.

Listing Panels

In order to list the panels associated to the current authenticated user, simply invoke the list_control_panels() method. This method returns a list of PanelEntry, which the developer can use to retrieve the name/id/online-status of associated control panels.

# List panels for your user
panels = await client.list_control_panels()
print(f"Found {len(panels)} panels for user {client.get_authenticated_username()}")

Fetch panel status

Given a PanelEntry, the developer can retrieve its full status by invoking the get_panel_status() function. This function takes one mandatory argument control_panel_id and an optional pin code.

# ...
# p is a panel entry retrieved via list_control_panels()
panel_status = await client.get_panel_status(control_panel_id=p.hash)


The library can only talk to panels that a re currently online. Trying to fetch information from an offline panel will likely result an exception being thrown

The panel_status object returned by the client contains information about zones, areas and much more. Refer to the elmax_api.model.PanelStatus object for more information.

Send commands to actuators

In order to control actuators connected to the Elmax control panel, the developer must first retrieve the endpoint_id associated to the device he wants to send the command to. The list of actuators available to a given panel is available within the elmax_api.model.PanelStatus.actuators property.

To send a command to a specicic actuator, the developer relies on execute_command() function. This function accepts, at minimum, following parameters endpoint_id and command. The former, is the id of the actuator within the current panel. The latter is the command that the develoepr wants to issue to the device. The list of accepted commands is described within the elmax_api.command module.

The current version of the library supports the following actions:

  1. Turn a device on/off

  2. Send the UP/DOWN command to a cover

  3. Trigger a scene

  4. Arm an area

  5. Disarm an area